Sharing ideas: keynotes, invited talks and panel discussions
I am a passionate communicator of science and technology, and have been invited to give more than 107 keynote/plenary presentations in international conferences, panel discussions, invited talks, research seminars and international conference presentations in well-reputed universities and research centres across the UK, Europe and the Americas. The titles of some of my invited talks are given below. I have also contributed to numerous public engagement and outreach activities and have an extensive presence in press and media. My technical presentations in other conferences can be checked in the publications section.
Research seminar. “Multidisciplinary AI: from computers to brains, from automation to social computing”. Seminar Series "AI and Its Application to Engineering and Computing". Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 20th February, 2025.
Invited speaker and panellist. “International collaborations to advance responsible AI”. AI Fringe 2025 – AI for Everyone. British Library, London, UK. 12th February, 2025.
Contributor to workshop and discussion at the BBC. “From bias to balance: A global framework for AI transparency briefing from the IPIE’s Scientific Panel on Global Standards for AI Audits”. Meeting with key international stakeholders from industry, media, non-academic organisations and government. BBC Broadcasting House, BBC Headquarters, London, UK. 16th December, 2024.
Keynote speaker and panellist. Invited to open the event on artificial intelligence and its current and future impact across various sectors, featuring prominent figures from both science and industry, organised by the newspaper Las Provincias (Valencia, Spain). Originally scheduled for 29th November, 2024. Postponed for 2025.
Science and collaborative talk. "¿Qué es la inteligencia artificial?" ("What is artificial intelligence?"). Museo de Ciencias Naturales AVAN (Museum of Natural Sciences), Viso del Marqués, Ciudad Real, Spain. TBC.
Research seminar. “Reimagining complexity and intelligence: new paradigms for new systems”. Universidad de Alicante, Alicante, Spain. Spring 2025.
Research seminar. "From AI to I: dynamic brain models in action". Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences (GCCIS) PhD Colloquium Series Talk, Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, New York, USA. Spring 2025.
Research seminar. "Imaging dynamic complexity". Chester F. Carlson Center for Imaging Science Seminar Series. Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, New York, USA. 13th November, 2024.
Research seminar. "Life after AI: past, present and future of complex systems". Inaugural seminar of the iSchool Insights (i2) series of talks of the School of Information (iSchool) at Rochester Institute of Technology Rochester, New York, USA. 19th October, 2023. Watch full talk at this link.
Keynote talk. "The hall of mirrors of equality, diversity and inclusion in artificial intelligence". Summer School "Gender Violence: Internet, Big Data and Artificial Intelligence". Universidad de La Rioja, Logroño, Spain. 4th July, 2023. For media coverage, follow this link. Available at Zenodo.
Host, panellist and collaborative talk. "IA: más allá de la ciencia ficción. Cómo la inteligencia artificial moldea nuestro presente" ("AI: beyond science fiction. How AI is shaping our present"). Podcast within the #BrunchTech series of Technolatinas, episode 1, season 5. 11th June, 2023. Available at Spotify and Youtube.
Panellist and collaborative talk. "¿Mujeres exitosas? Lo que nadie nos contó" ("Sucessful women? What nobody told us"). Broadcast by Alice Rodríguez for her radio program “Género & Acción” at KLDRO Radio, with Claudia Calvin Venero (Mujeres Construyendo), Roser Mendez, Marita Seara (Visionarias) and Andrea Collazo (Visionarias). Mexico City. 15th March, 2023.
Collaborative talk. "Migrant women in technology". 3a Cumbre de Comunidades (3rd Summit of Communities of Women in Technology, Science, Industry and Government) organised by Technolatinas. 12th March, 2023.
Keynote talk. "Complex systems in the age of AI". Invited by the IEEE Center-West Mexican Section, organised by the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo, Morelia, Michoacán, México. 23rd February, 2023.
Panellist and invited talk. "IA: Cuando la sociedad cambie, los algoritmos cambiarán" (AI: When society changes, algorithms will change). Visionarias Talks with Andrea Collazo and Marita Seara Fernández. 29th September, 2022.
Keynote/plenary speaker. "The three ages of complex systems: past, present and future". 3rd Meeting for the Dissemination and Research in the Study of Complex Systems and their Applications (EDIESCA 2022, for its meaning in Spanish). Ensenada, Baja California, México. 28th–30th September, 2022.
Keynote speaker. "Another 'Women in' event will make no difference: tokenism, privilege and violence in academia, science and technology". Workshop on AI and Gender. University of Wolverhampton, 19th July 2022. Available at Zenodo.
Invited speaker. "Automated verification of safety and security: a branch of AiDAs Lab". Faculty of Science and Engineering Festival of Research. University of Wolverhampton, UK. 27th May, 2022.
Keynote speaker. "Morphogenius. The ideas game". Festival of Diversity in Maths. Organised by the UK's government-funded initiative Advanced Mathematics Support Programme. 2022.
Organiser, host and speaker in collaborative talk. "Vulnerable contexts: biases and gaps for women in technology from disadvantaged contexts" (starting at 5:52:28). 2a Cumbre de Comunidades (2nd Summit of Communities of Women in Technology, Science, Industry and Government) organised by Technolatinas. 5th December, 2021.
My talk was in the form of a poem-manifesto and starts at 6:15:42 in the following link.
Panellist and invited talk. "Safety and security in AI systems'' with Éric Mboudou (United Nations) and Rufo Guerreschi (Trustless.AI). AI Talks. AI Center, Gothenburg, Sweden. 19th November, 2021.
Host and panellist. "Latins who are successful all around the world" (in Spanish). Podcast within the #BrunchTech series of Technolatinas, episode 3, season 3, 29th August, 2021. Available in the following link.
Invited talk. "Complex brain dynamics and Parkinson's disease". Cuerpo Académico de Tecnología e Innovación Mecatrónica, Facultad de Ingeniería Mecánica y Eléctrica, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, Monterrey, México. 17th June, 2021. The talk is available here.
Invited talk. "Understanding the dynamical processes of the human brain with complex networks". Women in Data Science Conference 2021. Women in Data Science La Paz, Bolivia. 1st May, 2021.
Industry engagement. “Industrial automation and instrumentation”. Webinar within the Tech Briefing of artificial intelligence and machine learning of the SOLVD project, University of Wolverhampton. 27th April, 2021.
Panellist. Panel around the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal of Reduce Inequality within and among Countries at Cheltenham Science Festival 2021. Event hosted by Science Communicator Greg Foot. 12th June, 2021. The event is available in the following link.
Industry engagement. “Industrial automation and instrumentation”. Webinar within the Tech Briefing of artificial intelligence and machine learning of the SOLVD project, University of Wolverhampton. 27th April, 2021.
Panellist. Panel around the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal of Reduce Inequality within and among Countries at Cheltenham Science Festival 2021. Event hosted by Science Communicator Greg Foot. 12th June, 2021. The event is available in the following link.
Discussion. “Dedicarse a la investigación” (“Doing research”). A conversation with Antonio Feregrino in his youtube channel That C# guy. 20th February, 2021. Available at the following link.
Organiser and speaker in collaborative talk. “Atrévete a pensar” (“Dare to think”). 1a Cumbre de Comunidades (Summit of Communities of Women in Technology, Science, Industry and Government) organised by Technolatinas. 7th December, 2020. The video of our talk is available at the following link (starting at 5:18:48).
Panellist. “How can we improve the AI products?”. AI Talks Season 2, Science and Technologies. AI Center, Gothenburg, Sweden. 29th October, 2020.
Research talk. “Catching the brain waves in Parkinson’s disease”. School of Mathematics and Computer Science. University of Wolverhampton. 21st October, 2020.
Research talk. “Catching the brain waves in Parkinson’s disease”. IE University, Madrid, Spain. 19th June, 2020.
Invited talk. “Hybrid systems neuroscience: beyond AI and brain networks”. Artificial Intelligence (AI) Talk in Science and Technology. AI Center, Gothenburg, Sweden. 8th June, 2020.
Panellist. “Ensenada: towards the AI capital of Mexico and new frontiers of AI”. 10th Meet-up of AI Mexico. Chair: Professor Francisco Javier Mendieta Jiménez (Former Director of Mexican Space Agency). Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico. 6th March, 2020.
Masterclass. “Non-classical verification for safe control systems”. Tecnun – School of Engineering, Universidad de Navarra. San Sebastián, Spain. 17th February, 2020.
Masterclass. “The key role of data in control systems”. Tecnun – School of Engineering, Universidad de Navarra. San Sebastián, Spain. 18th and 20th February, 2020.
Invited talk. “Hybrid systems neuroscience: beyond hybrid systems and brain networks”. Tecnun – School of Engineering, Universidad de Navarra. San Sebastián, Spain. 20th February, 2020.
Science festival invited speaker. “Morfogenio” (“Morphogenius”) on Turing’s morphogenesis, the pillars of computational thinking and my own journey in computer science since I started building robots and programming (at 11 years old). 5th Science Festival of Extremadura, part of the STEAM School of Young Scientists (“Escuela Municipal de Jóvenes Científicos”) Cáceres, Spain. 15th June, 2019.
Invited talk. “Hybrid dynamical systems: the anti-disciplinary approach to complex systems”. Warwick Mathematics of Real-World Systems Annual Retreat 2019, organised by the University of Warwick. YHA Ilam Hall, Derbyshire, UK. 30th April, 2019.
Keynote speaker. “Hybrid systems neuroscience: the anti-disciplinary approach to neuroscience”. 16th Turkish Neuroscience Congress. Istanbul, Turkey, 20–23 May, 2018.
Panellist. Debate “Academic experiences of working with Parliament and Parliamentarians” within the event “Engaging with Select Committees and Members of Parliament”. Manchester Museum, Manchester, UK. 9th May, 2018.
Invited talk. “Hybrid systems neuroscience: from Alan Turing to Ramón y Cajal, and back”. Jülich Research Centre, Jülich, Germany. 5th March, 2018.
Research seminar. “Hybrid dynamical systems: the control theory of tomorrow”. Neural Rehabilitation Group, Instituto Cajal, Madrid, Spain. 27th February, 2017.
Invited talk. “Novel verification paradigms for nonlinear hybrid automata”. Workshop of Multi-Paradigm Modelling for Cyber-Physical Systems, Universidad de Málaga, Spain. 24–25th November, 2016.
Research seminar. “Hybrid systems neuroscience: challenging existing orthodoxy of hybrid systems and neuroscience”. Biological Neurocomputation Group, Computer Science and Engineering Department, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain. 24th October, 2016.
Invited Cajal research seminar. “Hybrid systems neuroscience: challenging existing orthodoxy of computational neuroscience”. Instituto Cajal, Madrid, Spain. 7th October, 2016.
Research seminar. “Neuro-DYVERSE... Neuro ¿qué?” (“Neuro-DYVERSE... Neuro what?”). Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (ITAM), Ciudad de México, D.F., México. 16th August, 2016.
Research seminar. “DYVERSE: From formal verification and control to neuroscience”. CS Distinguished Lecture series. School of Computing Science, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, Scotland, UK. 23rd June, 2016.
Panellist. Post-show panel discussion in the interactive show “Ada.Ada.Ada” dedicated to Ada Lovelace, creator of the world’s first computer programme circa 1843. Part of the Manchester Science Festival. The Lowry Theatre, Manchester, UK. 30th October, 2015.
Keynote/plenary speaker. “Hybrid systems neuroscience”. Encuentro Nacional de Ciencias de la Computación, ENC2015 (Mexican National Congress of Computer Science),, Ensenada, Baja California, México. 6th October, 2015.
Panellist. “What is doing research in computer science?”. Encuentro Nacional de Ciencias de la Computación, ENC2015 (Mexican National Congress of Computer Science),, Ensenada, Baja California, México. 7th October, 2015.
Research seminar. “Sistemas dinámicos híbridos: cerrando el lazo de control en computación” (“Hybrid dynamical systems: closing the loop in computer science”). Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, Ensenada, Baja California, México. 8th October, 2015.
Invited talk. “Neuro-DYVERSE: Building hybrid systems neuroscience”. Special session “Theoretical, technical, and experimental challenges in closed-loop approaches in biology”. 10th AIMS Conference on Dynamical Systems, Differential Equations and Applications, (Madrid, Spain, July 7-11, 2014). This research was featured in the article "The strange relation between numbers and neurons", BBVA Openmind, 11th May, 2015, available at the following link.
Research seminar. “Neuro-DYVERSE: Building hybrid systems neuroscience”. David Bodian Seminars in Neuroscience. Zanvyl Krieger Mind/Brain Institute, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA. 5th June, 2013.
Invited talk. “Computational tools are advancing life sciences”. Inaugural MathWorks Research Faculty Summit. Newton, MA, USA. 3rd June, 2013.
Invited talk. “DYVERSE: A novel framework for complex hybrid dynamical systems”. SICSA (The Scottish Informatics & Computer Science Alliance) Cyber-physical Systems Workshop. Organiser: Prof. Jane Hillston. School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom. 16th May, 2013.
Panellist. “Alan Turing: Science and Sexuality”. Manchester Museum, part of the Manchester Pride Festival, Manchester, UK. 22nd August, 2012.
Research seminar. “DYVERSE: A new kind of control for hybrid systems”. Department of Automatic Control and Systems Engineering, The University of Sheffield, UK. 21st March, 2012.
Invited talk. “DYVERSE. Putting together the pieces of the hybrid systems’ jigsaw”. Howard Barringer’s Festschrift Workshop: Higher-Order Workshop on Automated Runtime verification and Debugging (HOWARD-60). Organiser: Andrei Voronkov. School of Mathematics, The University of Manchester, UK. 20th December, 2011.
Invited talk. “Looking at the future. The morphogenesis of the 21st century”. Turing and Morphogenesis Workshop. Organisers: Henry McGhie, Prof. John Pickstone. The Manchester Museum, Manchester, UK.
Inspirational class. "A PhD: much more than a dissertation. Don't be afraid to make the difference!" for new PhD students within the postgraduate course "Scientific Methods 2 - Fundamental Aspects of Research Methodology''. School of Computer Science, The University of Manchester, UK.
Invited talk. “DYVERSE. Where computer science, control and dynamical systems meet”. Workshop Networks@Kent. Organisers: Bas Lemmens, Sarah Spurgeon. School of Mathematics, Statistics and Actuarial Science, University of Kent, Canterbury, UK.
Research seminar. “El rompecabezas de los sistemas híbridos” (“The hybrid systems jigsaw”). Instituto Potosino de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica (IPICYT), División de Matemáticas Aplicadas, San Luis Potosí, México.
Research seminar. “The three ages of hybrid systems: past, present and future”, as part of the Concurrency, Verification & Security Seminars. Computing Laboratory (now Department of Computer Science), University of Oxford, UK.
Research seminar. “The hybrid systems jigsaw: bringing together computer science, dynamical systems and control engineering”, as part of the Logic and Semantics Seminar Series. Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge, UK.
Invited talk. “Equal, however, less... don’t be afraid to make the difference” to encourage female undergraduates and postgraduates to develop their careers in science, engineering and technology, by invitation from the WiSET network (Women in Science, Engineering and Technology). Faculty of Science and Engineering, The University of Manchester, UK.
Research seminar. “Discontinuities-induced phenomena in an industrial application: Analysis and control solutions”. School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Control Systems Centre, The University of Manchester, Manchester, UK.
Research seminar. “Switching and hybrid systems: What can learning and adaptive algorithms be used for?”. School of Computer Science, Machine Learning and Optimisation Group, The University of Manchester, Manchester, UK.
Research seminar. “Hybrid dynamical systems: A cocktail of system approaches”. School of Computer Science, Software Systems Group, The University of Manchester, Manchester, UK.
Research seminar. “Modelling a system with discontinuities by using a hybrid model?”. School of Mathematics, The University of Manchester, Manchester, UK.
Research seminar. “Discontinuities-induced phenomena in a multi-DOF piecewise-smooth systems: Analysis and control solutions”. Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany.
Research seminar. “Vibraciones mecánicas en sartas de perforación: un ejemplo de control de sistemas con discontinuidades” (“Mechanical vibrations in oilwell drillstrings: an example of control of systems with discontinuities”). Invited lecture within a PhD course. Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Industriales de Ciudad Real (ETSII, Industrial Engineering School of Ciudad Real), Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM), Spain.
Research seminar. “Propiedades de disipatividad y pasividad en sistemas no lineales discretos” (“Properties of dissipativity and passivity in nonlinear discrete-time systems”). Invited lecture within a PhD course. ETSII Ciudad Real, UCLM, Spain.
Research seminar. “Mechanical vibrations in an oilwell drillstring: an example of the control of a system with discontinuities”. Department of Mathematics, Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (ITAM), México, D.F.
Postgraduate seminar. “Modelling, analysis and control of periodic oscillations in an oilwell drillstring”. Institute of Applied Mathematics and Systems, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), México, D.F.
Keynote/plenary speaker. “Mechanical vibrations”. 3rd International Congress of Civil Engineering. Faculty of Civil Engineering, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla. Puebla, México.
Postgraduate seminar. “The problem of mechanical vibrations in an oilwell drillstring: automatic control approach”. Seminar in the framework of IMP postgraduate studies in the area of Industrial Mathematics and Computer Science. Instituto Mexicano del Petróleo (IMP, Mexican Institute of Petroleum), México, D.F.
Research seminar. “Passivity-based control of nonlinear discrete-time systems”. Centro de Investigación Científica y de Educación Superior de Ensenada (CICESE), Ensenada, México.
Research seminar. “On discrete and discretized nonlinear systems”. Department of Applied Mathematics and Telematics, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC, Polytechnics University of Catalunya), Barcelona.